A quarter century before Dwight Eisenhower warned Dartmouth
graduates against book burners, the practice would have been regarded as a
throwback to the witch-burnings of the Middle Ages. But on this date in 1933,
German counterparts to Dartmouth—the finest their country had produced—gathered
in university towns to incinerate approximately 25,000 books for propagating“un-German” ideas.
The authors whose works were burned that day form an
indelible part of the modern era: Henri Barbusse, Franz Boas, John Dos Passos,
Albert Einstein, Lion Feuchtwanger, Friedrich Forster, Sigmund Freud, John
Galsworthy, Andre Gide, Ernst Glaeser, Maxim Gorki, Werner Hegemann, Ernest
Hemingway, Erich Kästner, Helen Keller, Alfred Kerr, Jack London, Emil Ludwig,
Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Karl Marx, Hugo Preuss, Marcel Proust, Erich Maria
Remarque, Walther Rathenau, Margaret Sanger, Arthur Schnitzler, Upton Sinclair,
Kurt Tucholsky, Jakob Wassermann, H.G. Wells, Theodor Wolff, Emile Zola, Arnold
Zweig, and Stefan Zweig.
High Nazi officials, along with professors,
university rectors, and university student leader,s addressed the mass
audiences at the awful ceremonies, in which the books were heaped onto
bonfires attended by band playing and “fire oaths.”
It was only less than half a year since Adolf Hitler
had become Chancellor of Germany, but he had already provided an
extraordinarily vivid symbol of how fast he would move against enemies—not just
those he could see, but those whose thoughts he wished to suppress.
Only two months before Eisenhower spoke, Senator Joseph McCarthy had demonstrated that the same
thing could happen here—or,
rather, in United States Information Service (USIS) posts in Western Europe, many of whose libraries felt pressured by the senator’s bumptious young aides Roy Cohn and David Schine to remove books by the likes of Dashiell
Hammett, W.E.B. Du Bois, John Steinbeck, Herman Melville, and Henry Thoreau.
When American forces came upon Nazi concentration
camps at the end of WWII, General Eisenhower had members of Congress and
journalists visit the gruesome sites so that the horror of what occurred would
be seen, understood and documented. He knew, as well as anyone, that it was but
a short step from burning books to burning people. Privately, he had grown to
loathe McCarthy for his bullying. But concern about looking undignified—his vow not to "get into a pissing contest with that skunk"—led him to issue
only veiled warnings such as the one at Dartmouth. Onlyy when “Tailgunner
Joe” went after the institution to which Ike gave his best years, the U.S.
Army, did the President finally determine that this modern-day know-nothing
needed to be destroyed--and even then, his hand remained, publicly, largely hidden from the controversy.
(The image
accompanying this post, of the May 10, 1933 book burning in Berlin, comes from
the U.S. National Archives.)
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