Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Quote of the Day (Celeste Ng, on Fiction and Grace)

“Fiction makes you aware of complications. I'm interested in the times that things go wrong, but I'm also interested in trying to make some kind of meaning from that. Fiction should show you more dimensions. When you start to connect with other people, that's when that kind of humility that allows you to have grace comes in. Grace is something that you do after you've tripped: You're catching yourself and taking something that could have been a negative or a wrongdoing or a shortcoming and moving past it. Grace is about how you handle things when you are wrong or when you have done wrong. It's admitting that everyone, including you, is fallible.”—Author Celeste Ng quoted in “Soapbox—The Columnists; WSJ Asks Six Luminaries to Weigh in on a Single Topic; This Month: Grace,” WSJ. Magazine, December 2019/January 2020

The image accompanying this post, showing Celeste Ng at the 2018 National Book Festival, was taken Sept. 1, 2018, by Avery Jensen.

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