Dr. Frasier Crane [played by Kelsey Grammer] [delirious and drugged-up, returning to the station]: “Hello, Seattle, I'm back! This is Dr. Frasier Crane. I promise I will never leave you again. So, let's take our first caller. Hello, I'm listening.”
Robert [voice of
Tommy Hilfiger]: “Hi, Dr. Crane. Thanks for taking my call. I'm a little
nervous, okay? My name is Robert.”
Frasier: “And your name
Robert: “My name is
Frasier: “Oh, I'm sorry.
We've already had a Robert on the show today. Goodbye!” [disconnects him]
Roz Doyle
[played by Peri Gilpin] [on the office phone]: “Tony, it's Roz.
Could you get security up here? Captain Kirk's got control of the bridge and
he's gone insane.” —Frasier, Season 1, Episode 23, “Frasier Crane's
Day Off,” original air date May 12, 1994, teleplay by Chuck Ranberg and Anne
Flett-Giordano, directed by James Burrows
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