Monday, February 10, 2025

TV Quote of the Day (‘The Office,’ on Dunder Mifflin’s ‘Best Manager’)


Chris O'Keefe, board member and former congressman [played by Chris Ellis] [after listening to Dunder Mifflin's Michael Scott bloviate]: “He's the best manager? Where's the off button on this moron?” — The Office, Season 6, Episode 11, “Shareholder Meeting,” original air date Nov. 19, 2009, teleplay by Justin Spitzer, directed by Charles McDougall

Like just about everyone who reads this post, I had, over my long professional career, many moments when I (silently) doubted a manager's ability with as much vehemence as O’Keefe.

Lately, I have wished that the “off button” could be pressed on another person in charge, who now has considerably more authority than Michael Scott ever had. But it looks like that won’t happen for a while yet—if it ever will.

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