A cultural "omniblog" covering matters literary as well as theatrical, musical, historical, cinematic(al), etc.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Quote of the Day (Aisha Tyler, on a Comic’s Life on the Road)
“This is what life on the road is like: inedible room service, inoperable gym equipment, banshee infants braying next door, an interminable parade of fart-noising Morning Zoos. It is not for the faint of heart, or for those who don't find fart noises hilarious.”—Aisha Tyler, “News + Notes: Stand-Up Comedy: Not Always Funny,” Entertainment Weekly, June 17, 2011
I'm a librarian (no, NOT a "cybrarian" or "information scientist" or any of the other trendy terms the profession has come up with), as well as a freelance writer/researcher; my political leanings are contrarian, much to the dismay of friends on the left and right, and so I will give anyone looking for my vote exactly what they deserve -- the back of my hand
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