Thursday, November 5, 2020

Quote of the Day (Woodrow Wilson, on Maintaining the World’s Faith in America)

“All mankind deem us the representatives of the moderate and sensible discipline which makes free men good citizens, of enlightened systems of law and a temperate justice, of the best experience in the reasonable methods and principles of self-government, of public force made consistent with individual liberty; and we shall not realize these ideals at home, if we suffer them to be hopelessly discredited amongst the peoples who have yet to see liberty and the peaceable days of order and comfortable progress. We should lose heart ourselves, did we suffer the world to lose faith in us as the champions of these things.”—Princeton Univ. professor (and future New Jersey Governor and U.S. President) Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), “Democracy and Efficiency,” The Atlantic, March 1901

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