Who knows how many people have driven over this
bridge, in the three and a half decades after its renaming, and thought about
the life it commemorated? Few, and only fleetingly, if that, I imagine.
You can’t see the name of the bridge from the angle
where I shot this picture, nor even get a sense of how rickety this
114-year-old bridge has become. But at least this picture conveys the peace
that Lt. William C. Ryan got to
enjoy so little during his abbreviated lifetime, and that small flag signifies
the stubborn persistence of memory concerning the hundreds of thousands of young American service personnel cut down in their prime—those we
honor this Memorial Day weekend.
If you’re going to really connect with the past, it
helps to have a point at which you can connect with it. For me with Lt. Ryan,
that connecting point was our high school, St. Cecilia, now closed, in
Englewood, N.J.
Six years ago, I wrote a blog post that reviewed the circumstances of Billy Ryan’s
education, heroism, and disappearance while flying a
combat mission while serving in the Vietnam War. But I think some more can be
said still, because of some numbers and dates.
The first date is May 11, 1969 (the day before he
was scheduled for rest leave), when Lt. Ryan flew his last combat mission and went missing in
action. This means that it is 45 years since he is gone, with the events of
that time as distant as a Mad Men
episode. Two generations have been born who never experienced the gaping national
wounds of that era.
The other date is April 24, 1944. Last month, had he
survived, Lt. Ryan would have reached 70. Yet he never had a chance to live
anything close to a normal, extended life.
So yes, this weekend, let us rest, remember the extraordinary bravery these young people displayed, and shed a
tear, but make a resolution, too: that the politicians responsible for the shortening
of the lives of Lt. Ryan and so many others—through blindness to the injustice
and other grievances that cause war, through the rank mismanagement that have
put so many young men in harm’s way over the years—are questioned relentlessly,
then held to account.
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