Friday, July 25, 2014

Quote of the Day (Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, on Summer in the Everglades)

“Sometimes the rains may last only a few weeks in May. After that the summer is a long blazing drying time of brilliant sun and trade winds all night under the steady wheeling of the stars. The great piles of vapor from the Gulf Stream, amazing cumulus clouds that soar higher than tropic mountains from their even bases four thousand feet above the horizon, stand in ranked and glistening splendor in those summer nights; twenty thousand feet or more they tower tremendous, cool-pearl, frosty heights, blue-shadowed in the blue-blazing days.” —Marjorie Stoneman Douglas, The Everglades: River of Grass (1947)

(The image accompanying this post, of a storm in Everglades National Park along the main road to Flamingo, was taken in May 2010 by MathewTownsend.)

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