Friday, October 18, 2013

Quote of the Day (Amy Poehler, on Her Teen Summer Job Scooping Ice Cream)

“Chadwick’s was one of those fake old-timey restaurants. The menus were written in swoopy cursive. The staff wore Styrofoam boaters and ruffled white shirts with bow ties. Jangly music blared from a player piano as children climbed on counters. If the style of the restaurant was old-fashioned, the parenting that went on there was distinctly modern. Moms and dads would patiently recite every item on the menu to their squirming five-year-olds, as if the many flavors of ice cream represented all the unique ways they were loved.”--Amy Poehler, “Work for Hire: Take Your Licks,” The New Yorker, October 14, 2013

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