Thursday, June 14, 2018

Quote of the Day (Woodrow Wilson, on the Flag and ‘The Things That Distract Us’)

“The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history. It represents the experiences made by men and women, the experiences of those who do and live under that flag….This is Flag Day, but that only means that it is a day when we are to recall the things which we should do every day of our lives. There are no days of special patriotism. There are no days when we should be more patriotic than on other days….The benefit of a day like this is merely in turning away from the things that distract us, turning away from the things that touch us personally and absorb our interest in the hours of daily work. We remind ourselves of those things that are greater than we are, of those principles by which we believe our hearts to be elevated, of the more difficult things that we must undertake in these days of perplexity when a man's judgment is safest only when it follows the line of principle.” —U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), address at Flag Day Exercises of the Treasury Department, June 14, 1915

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