Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Quote of the Day (Ward Just, on Why ‘Politics is a Delusive Trade’)

"Politics is a delusive trade. In his secret heart a successful politician believes he is truly loved. Not merely supported or well liked but loved. He is father to a constituency of children, and while some of the children may be obstinate or disobedient, none of them is beyond salvation." —American novelist, short-story writer and journalist Ward Just, Honor, Power, Riches, Fame, and the Love of Women (1979)

By the end of this protracted primary season, we will see how many politicians will feel like the father of the prodigal son after the latter's return home--and how many will be left desolate by ingratitude "sharper than a serpent's tooth," as The Bard might say.

(Photo of Ward Just taken in September 2015 by slowking4.)

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