Monday, March 1, 2010

Quote of the Day (Chuck Scarborough, on “Dangerous” Co-Anchor Sue Simmons)

“Sue has never had an unspoken thought, and I mean that in the nicest way. She is the least inhibited broadcast journalist I’ve ever known, making her always interesting and occasionally dangerous, like the night she read a touching story about an effort to save a sick baby whale that had washed ashore. At the story’s conclusion, her co-anchor (not me, thank goodness) said, ‘You didn’t seem all that sympathetic.’ Sue immediately replied: ‘Oh I really am. If he gets well, I’ll kiss his little blow hole!’”—Longtime New York WNBC newscaster Chuck Scarborough, responding to a question on what veteran co-anchor Sue Simmons is like, quoted in “City Room Blog: Ask Chuck Scarborough,” The New York Times, February 28, 2010

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