Saturday, May 23, 2009

Quote of the Day (Indie Auteur John Sayles, on Why He’s Not a Studio Executive)

“I did this script called Watch the Skies, where the last page is about an extraterrestrial being left behind on Earth. It became the first page of the script for E.T. While I think it didn’t inspire them, I did write the script for Spielberg’s company. They asked if I wanted any credit and I said no, since I really didn’t have any part of the final script. I also thought that it was a nice script and if they kept the budget down it could be a nice little Disney movie. Now you can see why I’m not a studio executive.”—Independent screenwriter-director John Sayles, interviewed by Antonino D’Ambrosio in "John Sayles," in The Believer Magazine, March/April 2009 (full text not available online)

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