Sunday, August 11, 2024

Spiritual Quote of the Day (St. Augustine of Hippo, on Rejecting Truth)

“Why, then, doth truth beget hatred and that man of thine, preaching the truth, become an enemy unto them, whereas a happy life is loved, which is naught else but joy in the truth; unless that truth is loved in such a sort as that those who love aught else wish that to be the truth which they love, and, as they are willing to be deceived, are unwilling to be convinced that they are so? Therefore do they hate the truth for the sake of that thing which they love instead of the truth. They love truth when she shines on them, and hate her when she rebukes them. For, because they are not willing to be deceived, and wish to deceive, they love her when she reveals herself, and hate her when she reveals them.”— St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD), Confessions, translated by J. G. Pilkington (1943)

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