Saturday, October 7, 2023

Quote of the Day (Filmmaker Sally Potter, on Age As a ‘Kind of Fiction’)

“I've always done things at the wrong age. Being too young to do stuff seemed to go on forever until I was about 42 and then suddenly I was too old. So I realised that age, and time itself in fact, are a kind of fiction to which are attached stereotypes, caricatures, all kinds of notions that we internalize about stages of life. Part of me relishes being a renegade in that particular department.”—Director-screenwriter Sally Potter, on releasing her debut album at age 73, quoted by Ludovic Hunter-Tilney, “ ‘Part of Me Relishes Being a Renegade,’” The Financial Times, June 24-25, 2023

The image accompanying this post, showing Sally Potter at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival, was taken Feb. 26, 2020, by Harald Krichel.

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