Sunday, March 21, 2021

Spiritual Quote of the Day (Denzel Washington, on This Age’s ‘Free Will on Steroids’)

“We’re the only animal on this planet that’s blessed with free will, and we live in a time where it’s like free will on steroids. We’re free to think and go in any direction we want in this information age, and we have to protect our ears, our eyes, our minds. We have to be very careful with the information we take in and rely on as truth. We have to look inside, not outside. We need spiritual callisthenics.”—Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington quoted in Emanuel Levy, “We Need Spiritual Callisthenics,” The Financial Times, Jan. 23-24, 2021

(The photo accompanying this post, of Denzel Washington at the press conference for The Magnificent Seven at the Toronto Film Festival, was taken Sept. 8, 2016, by GabboT.)

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