Saturday, July 25, 2020

Photo of the Day: Quiet on the Water

Late this afternoon, I went to Overpeck County Park and the adjacent Overpeck Creek (shown in this photo I took). Neither was deserted, but on the other hand, for the time of year and the general weather conditions (sunny and very, very warm), it did not attract the crowds present in other years.

Some of this, I am sure, resulted from Bergen County not holding the events (often ethnic celebrations) that filled up the parking lot on past summer weekends. I was glad that, for a change, I could find a parking space in this season.

But I did miss not seeing more boats bobbing along on this stream. Their presence not only indicates enjoyment of nature, but of movement and activity—something that has slowed, and even at points come to a standstill, since COVID-19 made its presence felt late this winter.

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