Friday, May 24, 2019

Photo of the Day: ‘An Universal and Unmoving Cloud’—Beaufort SC

“The sky above us showed
An universal and unmoving cloud,
On which, the cliffs permitted us to see
Only the outline of their majesty,
As master-minds, when gazed at by the crowd!
And, shining with a gloom, the water grey
Swang in its moon-taught way.”—English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), “A Sea-Side Walk,” in Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Poems and Letters (Everyman’s Library, 2003)

While vacationing in Hilton Head, SC, in November 2014, I took a day trip to the nearby Lowcountry community of Beaufort. It also impressed me with its lovely seaside views, as you can tell from this photo I took at the time.

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