Thursday, April 4, 2019

Quote of the Day (Alyssa Milano, on the Return of #MeToo Men)

"We can’t expect that not to happen. We can’t put all these men on an island and expect them to eat themselves. They’re going to get jobs again. We have to figure out (what) re-entering into the workplace looks like....We have to set policies."—Actress Alyssa Milano, when asked about reports that ousted CBS chairman Leslie Moonves has set up a new production company, quoted in Kelly Lawler, “Alyssa Milano on Accused Sexual Harassers: 'We Can't Put All These Men on an Island,'” USA Today, Feb. 10, 2019

On an island? As she says, probably not feasible.

But in a dog park? Now we’re talking! (They sure acted like dogs before!)

(Photo of Alyssa Milano at the Major League All-Star Party Roseland Ballroom NYC, taken on July 13, 2008, by WrestlefnLI.)

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