Monday, March 26, 2018

TV Quote of the Day (‘Batman,’ in Which the Dynamic Duo Opine on Our ‘Terrible’ Political Mess)

Robin [played by Burt Ward]: “Don't you think we should make these election posters a little bigger, Batman?

Batman [played by Adam West]: “I think these are quite large enough, Robin. After all, the voters are interested in issues, not window-dressing.”

Robin: “Sure, Batman, but a little showmanship wouldn't hurt us any.”

Batman: “No, Robin, I want to conduct a campaign that deals with the issues. I'm convinced the American electorate is too mature to be taken in by cheap, vaudeville trickery. After all, if our national leaders were elected on the basis of tricky slogans, brass bands and pretty girls, our country would be in a terrible mess, wouldn't it?”—Batman, Season 2, Episode 17, Hizzonner the Penguin,” original air date Nov. 2, 1966,  teleplay by Stanford Sherman, directed by Oscar Rudolph
Holy corruption, foreign interference and gridlock, Batman! Say it didn’t happen!

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