Saturday, February 17, 2018

Quote of the Day (Henry David Thoreau, on a ‘Picture of Winter’)

“To-day the trees are white with snow,—I mean their stems and branches,—and have the true wintry look on the storm side. Not till this has winter come to the forest. It looks like the small frost-work in the path and on the windows now, especially the oak woods at a distance, and you see better the form which the branches take. That is a picture of winter…”—American essayist and naturalist Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862, journal entry, January 5, 1852, from Winter: From the Journal of Henry D. Thoreau, edited by Harrison Gray Otis Blake (1891)

Two years ago, I took the image accompanying this post in Saddle River County Park, here in Bergen County, NJ.

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