Friday, June 30, 2017

Photo of the Day: Bike to the Beat

At lunchtime the other day, as I crossed the courtyard near my building at Rockefeller Center in New York for a quick bite to eat, I came across this crowd of exercise fans on stationary bicycles. I did not get the name of the organization, but, from the kind of propulsive dance music found in discos blaring up to the nearby skyscrapers, it was easy to recall the urging of the peppy woman leading them: “Bike to the beat!”

As you can see from this photo I took, several participants had already worked up quite a sweat after just one song. Remember as you take this in that this event occurred in the middle of the week, before temperatures began to climb and humidity enveloped the New York area. Had this promotion been held even today, I’m sure more participants would have been hanging over their handle bars.

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