Monday, September 19, 2016

TV Quote of the Day (‘Frasier,’ In Which He Encounters a New Moon in Seattle)

(Daphne Moon, interviewing for a position as home health aide for Frasier’s father Martin, guesses that he’s a former policeman. She says she knows this because she is “a bit psychic.”)

Daphne [played by Jane Leeves] [turning to Frasier]: “Wait a minute! I'm getting something on you - you're a florist!”

Frasier [played by Kelsey Grammer]: “No, I'm a psychiatrist.”

Daphne: “Oh, well, it comes and goes. Usually it's strongest around my time of the month [giggling]... so I guess I let a little secret out there.”

Frasier: “It's safe with us. Well, Miss Moon, I think we've learned everything we need to about you, and a dash extra!”

Daphne: [turning to Martin's pet Eddie] “You're a dog, aren't you?”—Frasier, Season 1, Episode 1, “The Good Son,” original air date Sept. 16, 1993, teleplay by David Angell, Peter Casey and David Lee, directed by James Burrows

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