Friday, September 2, 2016

Quote of the Day (Joe Queenan, on Small-Town Speed Traps)

“The small-town speed trap is an affliction that has plagued Americans for generations. The speed limit suddenly plunges from 45 mph to 25 mph as you enter an otherwise invisible town’ that consists of a gas station, another gas station and a speed trap. The invariably unpleasant police officer tells you that you will have to fork over $175 for speeding, adding, parenthetically, that you are lucky he does not charge you with “reckless driving.” And because you live hundreds of miles away from Yokel’s Crossing, there is no realistic possibility of appealing the ticket.”—Joe Queenan, “Revenge for All Those Rustic Speed Traps,” Wall Street Journal, Aug. 27-28, 2016

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