Sunday, July 28, 2013

Photo of the Day: Twilight, Lake Chautauqua

Remember my post from yesterday, headlined “Chautauqua Travel Journal: Wrap-up?” Well, I’m done with the substantive writing part of the trip. But I took all kinds of photos during that part of the vacation (as well as my brief stopover in Pittsburgh), and it seemed a shame to waste the better ones.

So, with your indulgence, I thought I would offer a few more, perhaps spread out over the days ahead, sort of a visual counterpart to that old Beach Boys LP, Keepin’ the Summer Alive.

In this one, I think, you’ll see why so many people keep coming to this lakeside community in upstate New York, dating back to the Victorian Era, year after year, when they could be going to all sorts of trendy beach spots. Among other things, it’s a source of tranquility and beauty, where you can stop, amid the madness and bustle of your normal life, and simply remember the source of what’s important.

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