Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Photo of the Day: Great Furball Meets Young Customer

After awhile in New York City, you learn not to be surprised by unusual sights. (Listen: one morning, on my way to work eight years ago, I saw a whole troop of young men streaming out of Fox TV headquarters, dressed in formal wear--and all wearing masks. They were, I realized with a start, contestants on the short-lived Monica Lewinsky Dating Game for the 21st century, Mr. Personality. Heck, I realized, if I were on a show with Monica Lewinsky, I wouldn’t want to show my face, either!)

Anyway, over the last several weeks, a block or so from where I work at Rockefeller Center, various costumed characters, representing the M and M’s World store, appear on the northern part of Times Square and mingle with tourists. Here is just one example of making an investment in tomorrow’s customers now. A shrewd marketing decision, if you ask me…

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