Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quote of the Day (Tony Campolo, on the U.S. Budget as a “Moral Document”)

“The budget of the United States is a moral document, and yet we spend 40 percent on the military while we are cutting education, aid to the poor, Medicare and Medicaid. Oil companies have made the largest profits in the history of corporations, and they are going to Congress asking for more tax breaks. We give to the rich and take from the poor. CEOs are earning 300 times more than workers….Jesus was neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Jesus called all of us to righteousness. Did you know that 40 percent of the new members of Congress cite Ayn Rand and her gospel of selfishness as their primary guiding force, rather than the Sermon on the Mount?”—Rev. Tony Campolo, Sunday sermon at the Chautauquan Institution, July 10, 2011, quoted in Mary Lee Talbot, “Morning Worship,” The Chautauquan Daily, July 11, 2011

1 comment:

  1. Billions a month flushed away in Afganistan. Money that could be used to put people to work in a Twenty First Century W.P.A. here at home. But no-we fire the teachers and the police, we cut Medicaid for poor children. We close libraries. Beware the Military Industrial Complex indeed!
