Monday, March 8, 2010

Quote of the Day (“Mrs. Moneypenny,” on the Few Men with a “Perfect Work/Life Balance”)

“When did you last hear of a truly successful businessman who has got there while maintaining a perfect work/life balance? Or worked his way up the greasy pole part-time? Or who had a family which raised itself by magic without someone at home? Of course not. Men who have achieved positions of notable business success have usually done so by working insane hours at great expense to their personal lives, while someone they had the great good fortune to marry at an early stage has been at home making sure that the gas bill was paid and taking little Johnny’s hockey stick to school when he forgot it.”—“Mrs. Moneypenny,” “Take a Wild Guess Why Women Do Their E-mails Late at Night,” The Financial Times, March 6, 2010

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