Sunday, September 21, 2008

Great Pop Cover on YouTube

Every once in awhile, I get the urge to check out YouTube for videos by some of my favorite musicians. Over time, I’ve come across some real gems—a Todd Rundgren bossa-nova-inflected version of “I Saw the Light” premiered on Conan O’Brien, for instance, a Raspberries live montage from 2005, or Bruce Springsteen’s magnificent extended version of “Prove It All Night” in his 1978 appearance at New Jersey’s Capitol Theater.

Over the weekend, I came across another. I had just finished eyeing a column of Hall and Oates videos—most of which I’d seen before—when I noticed a cover version of their “Kiss on My List,” a huge favorite of mine, performed live at the Losers Lounge. Curious, I clicked, and was rewarded, as you will be, too—even with repeated viewings, as I’ve already done within the space of 24 hours.

The band covering "Kiss on My List" here is called The Kustard Kings, and it’s fronted by David Terhune. I had never heard of them before, but hope to hunt down their stuff—and maybe even see them—at some point in the future.

Here’s their version, and I’m absolutely sure you’ll agree with me that seldom has there been a pop classic redone with so much skill, panache, and sheer, absolute joy.

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